Tuesday, January 22, 2008

ZOOM Magazine Introduction

Welcome to the ZOOM Magazine Blog.

The Magazine is currently in the making. We still need some staff, so if you are interested in being a Writer, Blogger, Reporter, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Models... Please Contact Taylor Flanagan in-world or email at zoommagazine.info@gmail.com

Advertising: For the very first Issue of the magazine all ads are totally FREE. You can use your own if they match the style of the magazine or as a Graphic Designer and Photographer myself I can make you one.

If you want us to write an article about you, your business or an event, send us an email or contact Taylor Flanagan in-world.

We also need product donations to make our articles and coverages. So if you are interested in FREE publicity, this is a good way to get it.

If you are interested in placing one of our magazine vendors in your shop, club or sim please contact us.

* Submit advertisments (hight quality JPG or PNG) in-world or via email to : zoommagazine.info@gmail.com

Prefered Ad Dimensions

The dimensions are in pixels : Width x Height.
2 pags Spread: 6000 x 3882
Full Page: 3000 x 3882
Half Page Horizontal: 3000 x 1941
Half Page Vertical: 1500 x 3882
Quarter Page: 1500 x 1941

If you need help with this we will gladly help you.

(Prices for Issue #2 will depend on the succes of the first one)

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