Saturday, May 29, 2010

Goodbye Daisyblue, Friend of the Shire

Daisyblue, Friend of the Shire and so many others. We will miss her.

Yesterday afternoon our friend Daisyblue Hefferman passed away in real life due to a stroke she suffered a few days prior. It is tragic and sad and our hearts go out to her family and friends who mourn her passing as we do.

Daisy was a tiny white rabbit when she visited The Shire and had a wonderful shop on Heron Shire full of all manner of tiny creations, clothing, knick knacks and curios. She often came to play Primtionary or visit with friends, participate in events or just wander about during themed months. She was a very friendly and kind lady and in addition to being a tiny part time was involved in many other creative ventures across the grid.

An active member in the Storytellers guild, she loved to tell stories and she was also involved with the Alliance Virtual Library Projects which was a series of Real World Library organization(s) that created interactive and historical builds within Second Life designed to provide information much like a real life library would (but with a 3D virtual world slant). Examples being the Land of Lincoln Historical sim which she built with her (and our) good friend Krull Aeon (now Krull Quar) as well as her work on the Ray Bradbury Virtual book. She was also involved with the Community Virtual Library group which can be found on the Info Island sims and had a hand in many interesting and unique builds and projects all over the grid.

We will be having a memorial service on Heron Shire in the forest Sunday May 30th at 2pm SLT to honor Daisyblue’s memory. We’ll dedicate a small garden and plaque to her, say some words and read a poem as we say our goodbyes to our friend.

You can also leave a comment and a virtual candle online in her memory for her real life family and friends to see at the following.

Goodbye Daisyblue, your goodwill and creativity insure that you will never be forgotten by the people who you touched and who loved you.

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